
Just south of Andalsnes is the Trollstigen or the Trolls’ Ladder. The road twists and turns its way up from sea level to 700 meters and provides some challenging switchbacks.

At right is a view from the bottom, looking up at the falls coming down.We stopped for a photo at the bridge on the way up. The picture of Torunn Gulliksen and Kåre Aabye (above left) was taken at the top of the road. We met at our hotel in Andalsnes the night before.

torunn kare


road up trollstigen

From the top, we got a great view of the road we just ascended (left). The road was built in 1936 and has an incline ratio of 1:12 and climbs the mountainside in 11 bends.

After leaving Trollstigen, we continued south to Geiranger for a lunch break. Further on, we stopped for a picture looking back at where we had been. Below is a view of the zigzag road coming down into Geiranger at the end of the fjord. This is a popular place for the cruise ships to travel to show their passengers a narrow fjord. view of trollstigen from topThere was one ship leaving the fjord as we got the picture.

We had gotten to the fjord before the cruise ship arrived and we watched someone enjoying the smooth fjord water on his wakeboard.



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